R-Wipe and Clean v7.9.1447 英文正式版(可徹底刪除電腦上的無用文件,保護個人隱私的軟體)
R-Wipe & Clean is a complete solution to wipe useless files and keep your
computer privacy. Irretrievably deletes private records of your on- and
off-line activities, such as temporary internet files, history, cookies,
autocomplete forms and passwords, swap files, recently opened documents
list, Explorer MRUs, temporary files, etc., traces from more than 100
third-party applications, and free up your disk space. The utility wipes
files and unused disk space using either fast or secure erase algorithms.
All files and folders may be combined in wipe lists to erase them in a
single procedure. Supports both the FAT and NTFS file systems. All
separate wiping and cleaning tasks can be combined in one or more erasing
procedures launched immediately or at predefined times or events as a
background task.
R-Wipe and Clean v7.7.1439 英文正式版(徹底刪除電腦上無用文件的軟體)
R-Wipe and Clean v7.6.1296 英文正式版(徹底刪除電腦上的無用文件軟體)
R-Wipe and Clean v7.6.1295 英文正式版(徹底刪除電腦上的無用文件軟體)
R-Wipe and Clean v7.7.1441 英文正式版(擦除無用文件並保護個人電腦隱私的軟體)
R-Wipe and Clean v7.6.1297 英文正式版(徹底刪除電腦上的無用文件/保護個人隱私的軟體)
R-Wipe and Clean v8.6 Build 1517 英文正式版(刪除無用文件軟體)
R-Wipe and Clean v7.6 英文正式版(系統清理軟體)